
If you are studying or thinking of studying at Alton College and would be interested in a Scholarship or need financial help, then read on


Since 2002 we have been awarding Scholarships for Excellence to students studying at the college. There are currently a total of 420 Scholars

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The Student Support Fund aims to improve the quality of life and achievements of students at the College by awarding Grants. This fund is open to all students up to the age of 19 studying at the HSDC Alton campus. In the past 10 years over £125,000 in grants have been made.

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Who is the Scheme open to?

Anybody studying at Alton College who is either:
(1) between the ages of 16 and 18 and in their first year of studies at the College; or
(2) up to the age of 19 and studying the one year Foundation Art Course (for Art Foundation scholarship applications only). 

Certain subjects must be studied for students to be eligible to apply for each of the scholarship subjects, details of which are available on this website or on request from Sarah Womersley the administrator of the Alton College Foundation. 

Can I receive more than one Scholarship?

A Student can only receive one Scholarship during their time at Alton College. This ensures that we are able to award more Scholarships to more students.

How old do you have to be to apply?

The Scheme is open to students between the ages of 16-18 (the exception to this is students who are studying on the Art Foundation Course who may still apply if 19 years old).

How do you apply?

First read the terms and conditions which are published on this website and which set out the eligibility criteria for the scholarship scheme.

Students should then express their interest in making an application by completing and submitting the brief online application form by clicking on the link below. Students will then be sent an email to their College email address containing a fuller application form for completing and returning to Sarah Womersley the administrator of the Foundation. The email should be received by the student from the Foundation within 7 days of submitting the online application form. A full guidance pack will be sent at the same time setting out guidance on the application process. 


What is the timetable for applications and selection?

Applications must be received by no later than the 15th of November following the start of the Academic Year.

Candidate applications will be shortlisted in December and selection Interviews will take place in January, with the candidates being awarded their Scholarship at an Awards Ceremony (usually in early March).

What happens at the Interview?

The interview process is quite straight forward. You will be asked questions about why you have applied, what you will use any money for, topic specific questions and questions on anything mentioned in your application e.g interests outside of College. At the end you will be asked if you have any questions and told what happens next. The whole process should be viewed as a great experience and enjoyed and will last about 20 minutes. 

What subjects are Scholarships available for?

For the 2024/25 academic year, the scholarships shown in the Left Hand column in the table below are available. To be eligible to apply for a scholarship subject the applicant must be studying at least one of the subjects shown in the Right Hand column. 

Scholarship subjectRequired course(s)
Architecture & Design3D Design A Level
Art FoundationArt Foundation Course
BusinessBusiness A Level - Business and Management T Level - Business Extended Diploma CTEC - Business Level 3 Extended Certificate
Digital MediaDigital Film and Video Production Level 3 Extended Certificate - Media Studies A level - Graphic Design A Level - Creative Media Production and Technology - Esports Level 3 - Creative Media Production and Technology - Digital Games Design and Development Level 3 - Creative Media Production and Technology - Film and TV Production Level 3
DrawingArt and Design A Level
EconomicsEconomics A Level
EngineeringEngineering Level 3 Extended Certificate - Engineering Design and Development (Mechanical Engineering) T Level
Space EngineeringSpace Technologies Programme (A Levels in Maths and Physics & an Extended Certificate in Engineering)
English LiteratureEnglish Literature A Level
Geography & Environmental ScienceGeography A Level - Environmental Science A Level
History or PhilosophyHistory A Level - Philosophy Religion and Ethics A Level
LawLaw A Level
MathematicsMathematics A Level - Mathematics and Further Mathematics A Level
MedicineMedical Science Level 3 Extended Certificate - Biology A Level - Chemistry A Level - Health and Nursing T Level - Psychology A Level - Mathematics A Level - Physics A Level
Modern Foreign LanguagesFrench A Level - Spanish A Level  - German A Level
MusicMusic Production and Performance Level 3 - Music Production and Performance UAL Level 3 Diploma - Music Production and Performance UAL Extended Level 3 Diploma
Performing ArtsDance A Level - Drama A Level - Performing Arts Level 3 Extended Certificate
ScienceBiology A Level - Chemistry A Level - Physics A Level

We recommend students only apply for the subject which they are particularly interested in and which they think they might like to pursue a career in or study further in higher education.

What funding can I expect to receive for a Scholarship?

This is determined by the Sponsor but currently the maximum amount that can be awarded is £800 which is split over two payment of £400 a year (one in the first year of studies and the second in the second year of studies). Art Foundation scholars receive a one-off payment during their course. 

What am I expected to do as a result of receiving a Scholarship?

Given the prestige and money associated with receiving a Scholarship and the importance we place on achievement we do expect a number of things, not least that you achieve or exceed your projected results. More on this can be found on this website. 

What is the best way to keep up to date with what is happening with the Scholarship Scheme?

Other then visiting this website the best way is to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn. 

What if I have any other questions not covered above?

Call or email us.  See Contact Details

 To read the eligibility criteria and T&Cs Click Here

All gifts and donations to the Foundation are most welcome. Other than becoming a sponsor for the Scholarship scheme we are in particular interested in obtaining funding for our overall activity which we can assure you is carefully managed and put to good use. Also if you are making a donation as an individual we benefit from the Gift Aid Scheme which currently sees the government add an additional 25% to your donation if you are a UK tax payer. Although this scheme is always under threat this adds vital funding, especially at a time when bank interest is so low.

There are a number of ways we can receive donations. You can make a direct payment to the Foundation (make cheques payable to the Alton College Foundation) You can make a regular donation via direct debit  or make a one-off donation via BACS (contact for details).


We are now part of the easyfundraising community which enables you to donate money to us by buying from thousands of well known brands online.  You get to take advantage of any offer made by these companies, you pay no more and we get a percentage of what you spend.  To find out more use the link below.


East Hampshire Community Lottery 

You can now support the Alton College Foundation by playing the East Hampshire Community Lottery.  To play visit our page at https://www.easthantslottery.co.uk/support/the-alton-college-foundation

The Alton College Foundation was established in 1999 to help the College provide facilities and equipment that could not otherwise be provided from government funds.

Since creation we have raised nearly £700,000 which has bought equipment for the College, created a quiet garden for students, provided a mini bus for the College, awarded Scholarships to 420 students and provided bursaries and grants of over £145,000 since 2010.

The Foundation is a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee and operates totally independent of the College.

The Directors and Staff

Like all charities we only exist because of the hard work of our directors and staff and they are:
  • Peter Wilson, Chairman (Local Businessman)
  • Trevor Heley, Managing Director (ex Vice Chair of Governors)
  • Merula Frankel, Director (ex Chair of Governors)
  • Mike Baker, Director (Local Businessman / Alton Lions)
  • Niven Baird (Local Businessman/Alton Rotary/The Arts Society Alton)
  • Rosemary Andreae (Art Historian)
 Sarah Womersley - Administrator  

Charity No:  1079285
Private Linked Company: 0389989

About Us image

We always feel encouraged by the feedback we get from past Scholars. Here are just a few examples

"The Scholarship helped me to achieve a distinction in my Art Foundation course at Alton College. This led to me gaining a place on one of the top sculpture courses in the country at degree level. Following on from this I was able to gain employment in a creative and cutting edge role in one of the most competitive industries. I think a Scholarship is a great way of not only enabling students financially and helping them to achieve their best, but also giving them confidence in their work and encouragement to aim high". Abi Smith – ADFAS Scholarship 2002

I would never have imagined that the effects of the Scholarship I received in 2008 could be quite so far-reaching. Aside from the direct benefits of permitting me the opportunity to complete various immersion courses in language schools in France and Spain, it facilitated my entry onto the joint LL.B/Maitrise en droit programme at King’s College London. Undoubtedly, without the Languages Scholarship, I would never have had the opportunity to foster the skills necessary to work in quite so many diverse international contexts. I am forever grateful to the Foundation for their support throughout my time at Alton".Chris Dominey – Modern Foreign Languages Scholarship 2006.

'Without the scholarship support, it would have been harder to access opportunities which were crucial to my personal statement, as it allowed me to discuss them at interview and stand out from other candidate. I hope I serve as a good example of the success of the scholarship initiative. I would strongly encourage people to apply for the scholarships and support the work of the Alton College Foundation'. Dr John Hawkins,BSc, MBChB. Foundation Scholarship in Medicine. 2005

‘The Scholarship really boosted my confidence and encouraged me to apply [to Oxbridge], which I think was the best of many benefits.’ Katie Roe, Craven Brothers Scholar (Engineering) 2008-10 

‘I think that [my Scholarship] has really given me a lot of confidence in myself and my subjects.’ Leanne Brown, Nicholas Branch Scholar (International Baccalaureate) 2009-11

' I owe so much to my Scholarship including discovering my vocation for Neuroscientific research (a surprise to everyone!), my place at Oxford and an incredible job as a Lab Assistant designing and carrying out Neuroscientific experiments in London; I am desperate to thank the Foundation personally and also to encourage this year's group of scholars. Before receiving the scholarship I considered myself an average student but having the Foundation's belief in me was the kick I needed to change my life'. Meredith Leston, Dischma Trust Scholarship in Humanities, 2010-2011

Student Support Fund Recipient 

‘After falling just short of being eligible for EMA (Educational Maintenance Allowance) and living in the middle of nowhere, getting to college was always going to be an expensive issue for my family. The award has paid for me to be insured to drive the family car. I would like to thank the Alton College Foundation for allowing me to become more independent, without having to compromise my studies.’- Second Year Student of English, French and Sociology.


Buying via easyfundraising

The Alton College Foundation is now part of the growing number of charities that are using easyfundraising to help raise money. easyfundraising partners with over 7,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to a cause of your choice. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. Brands pay them a commission because when you start your shop from the easyfundraising website or app, they can see they sent you to them. If you make a purchase, a commission is generated, and they turn that into a donation to us..As they say magic!

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Engineering and Public Services Awards 2024

In June 2024 eight students from Alton College studying either Engineering or Public Services courses received awards for their hard work, commitment and excellence in their courses. Mr Mike Baker, one of the trustees of the Alton College Foundation, joined Ashley Grute (vice principal of the College) in awarding and congratulating the students for their brilliant achievements.

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Rowena Sears

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Fat Face Foundation funds new sewing machines

We are absolutely delighted that the wonderful folk at the FatFace Foundation have kindly awarded the Alton College Foundation a grant to help buy two new sewing machines for the students studying textiles here at Alton College (HSDC) - the textiles department have already set them up and the students are loving having access to these wonderful new pieces of equipment. Thank you from everyone here at The Alton College Foundation and Alton College (HSDC)! We are always looking for ways to collaborate with local organisations - please get in touch if you are keen to help support our students

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Scholarship Update

We have had some great applications this year and have had to make some tough decisions but we have produced a shortlist for interviews starting in January. Good luck to all those students who have made it to this milestone and commiserations to those who didn’t.

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East Hampshire Community Lottery

We have joined the East Hampshire Community Lottery enabling us to benefit from money spent playing this new lottery. Visit our page to see how easy it is to play.

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Open for Scholarship Applications

We are now open for Scholarship applications for 2024. For details about the scheme please go to the How We Support Students page on this website. Applications close 15 Nov 2023. Any queries contact our office. NOTE: The deadline for applications for the 2024 Scholarship scheme has now been extended to Sunday 26th November

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Welcome to Sarah

Unfortunately we have had to say goodbye to Ellie who joined us as Administrator in April. Although she was only with us a short time she made a great contribution to our work. We wish her well in her new job. Fortunately for us we have quickly found a replacement and Sarah Womersley will be joining in early September (just in time for the Scholarship application rush ) Welcome Sarah !

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The times they are a changing !

After seven and a half years we have had to bid farewell to Michelle George our Administrator who has left us to join the staff at Alton College (so a long way away). She will be greatly missed by everybody.

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Scholars Celebrate their Success!

The 21st Scholarships for Excellence Award Ceremony was held on Tuesday 7 March 2023. Twenty-Two new scholars were appointed in a range of subjects bringing the total number of scholars awarded to 397!

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Nicholas Branch

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Nicholas Branch (Nicky), a founder and former Chairman of the Alton College Foundation. Nicky, along with his fellow Governors and the then Principal of the College, established the Foundation as a Charity in 1999. The concept of an externally funded scholarship scheme for 16–19 year olds in full time education was, and still is, innovative. Its continued success is a testament to Nicky’s commitment, pride and belief in the Charity and the students themselves. Nicky retired as Chairman in 2020 but continued to be involved and provided a personal scholarship for public services students. On his retirement, many former students wrote quotes to thank him for his support. One such quote read: "Nicky, I am deeply grateful to you for your unwavering confidence in the young people of today. I'm certain that such a shining example of community leadership will not be forgotten." He will be dearly missed by the Directors of the Foundation and their thoughts are with his family.

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Steve Millar Award 2021

Kieran Robinson, a second-year student at the College was recently presented with the 2021 Award for Excellence in Geography. Kieran was presented with the Steve Millar Award for Excellence in Geography. The award is given to the student who achieves the highest grade in their Geography exam at the end of their first and who is also progressing on to study A Level Geography. Kieran was presented with the Award by Steve Millar at a private ceremony held at Alton College. Kieran intends to continue his studies at Bath University. Steve Millar spent over 30 years working at Alton College in the Geography Department and when he left, in conjunction with the Alton College Foundation wanted to leave an annual award for a student excelling in Geography. The award has specific requirements for the student to have gained the highest marks and be progressing into the second year. Izzy Wood, Geography Lecturer, was at the presentation and said she was “delighted to see Kieran receive his award. He is a conscientious student who deserves recognition for his studies in geography and is a great ambassador for the College.”

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Scholarships Awarded for 2021-23 Students

On Thursday 10 March, we were pleased to hold a ceremony where we awarded 25 scholarships in a wide range of subjects. Our thanks to all our sponsors for their support and congratulations to our scholars. This brings to total of scholars to 375 over the last 20 years, a fantastic achievement.

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Opening of Alton Campus Gaming & Creative Digital Studios

We were very pleased to have been invited to the official opening of the Alton Campus Gaming & Creative Digital Studios today. We believe in encouraging students to join an industry already worth £7bn to the UK economy. To that end we have decided to offer the 2022 Alumni Scholarship to a student studying in this area. Students have until 15 November to send in their application

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Alumni Scholar wins gold

Congratulations go to Jemima Willoughby, who did an outstanding job scoring in the top 5% of British Olympiad competitors to win gold at the recent UK Biology Olympiad.

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New appeal launched to help fund computers (UPDATE 25TH MARCH)

The Alton College Foundation has just launched an appeal using the Virgin Money Giving platform aimed at raising funds to provide college students with laptops/tablets. This is in recognition of the fact that some students have struggled to work from home during the pandemic because of a lack of equipment and that this struggle will continue even after the college returns to normal. To make a donation use the link here. UPDATE: We closed this appeal having raised over £600. We have already helped two deserving students with others still coming forward for help

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Scholarships Secured by 2020-22 Students

Twenty-one HSDC Alton students have been selected for the Alton College Foundation Scholarships for Excellence. The new scholars bring the total number of students awarded scholarships, since the scheme began in 2002, to 350. The scheme, supported by local organisations, individuals and trusts, offers HSDC Alton students financial support over the two years they are at the College, along with the prestige of being appointed as a scholar. The selection process was carried out online this year, with the interviewers being presented with an incredibly high calibre of shortlisted applicants. Subsequently the winning students were outstanding in their subject areas of art, business, design and architecture, economics, engineering, English literature, humanities, mathematics, medicine, music, modern foreign languages, performing arts, public services and science. The formal scholarship award ceremony, normally held in the spring, has been delayed until later this year when it is hoped that students will be able to meet their sponsors in person and celebrate their achievements with other scholars past and present. Trevor Heley, Managing Director of the Foundation, said: “Since introducing the Scholarships for Excellence scheme in 2002 we have seen how beneficial it has been to our Scholars. They tell us how it helped them get into their chosen university and move into exciting careers working across the world. Both we and their sponsors continue to keep in touch with many of our 350 scholars and often invite them to come back to the College to inspire students. For my fellow directors and myself, our reward is to know that something we created nearly 20 years ago continues to go from strength to strength”.

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Development Fund Renamed

We have renamed the Development Fund as the Student Support Fund. The primary reason is to give more clarity to what we are trying to achieve by offering grants to students. Details can be found on this website.

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Public Services Scholarship - A first for the Foundation

We are pleased to announce that, for the first time, we will be awarding a Scholarship for Public Service. It is so important that we recognise and encourage the work undertaken by all those choosing a career in public services e.g. Police, Medicine, Fire and Rescue and the Armed forces. A big thank you goes to Nicky Branch, the ex Chair of the Foundation, for funding this Scholarship

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Scholarship Award Ceremony 2020

The 18th Scholarships for Excellence Awards took place on 27th February 2020, with 20 students receiving scholarships.

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Second Years Awards Ceremony

The ceremony held on Thursday 26th September celebrated awards to 16 Students. This was the third year that these awards have been made and introduced a range of new awards. Details below: CREATIVE VISUAL ARTS Awards Holly Lowe (Textiles) Ottilie Peterson (Textiles) sobelle Monckton (Fine Art) Rebecca Marshall (Photography) ENGINEERING Awards Emily Adderson Nathan Banbury Tommy Bason Oliver Chapman. Cameron Bush Harry Henslow. FOUNDATION LEARNING Award Tom Brooker MATHEMATICS Award Emily Morgan. PERFORMING ARTS Award Bryony Morgan. PUBLIC SERVICES Awards Sam Harding. Chloe Baldwin. Jordan Horseman.

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Like all charities we rely on the generosity of donations made by individuals and organisations to be able to function. Since its creation in 1999, the Alton College Foundation has raised almost £700,000 and put it to good use.

We continue to seek further Sponsors so that we can continue to develop the work that we do. Our existing Sponsors come from a wide range of backgrounds, mostly from the local community. Some Sponsors specify particular subjects for their Scholarship awards, others are happy for the Foundation to make this decision. We actively encourage contact between Sponsors and Scholars – this starts at the Awards Ceremony, is ongoing during the Scholar’s time at Alton College, and often continues beyond college.

Donations to the Student Support Fund are very welcome, especially in today’s difficult economic times. Although money donated will not be allocated to a specific student you can rest assured that the Foundation will ensure that it is put to good use.

We welcome donations both large and small. For individuals, the Gift Aid* Scheme boosts the amount donated (currently this means that the government pays us 25p for every £1 donated).

All Sponsors are recognised here on our website and are invited to Foundation events. Current Sponsors

If you would like to discuss becoming a Sponsor then please contact us today.

  • Alton College Foundation Old Odiham Road Alton Hampshire GU34 2LY

Sarah Womersley, Foundation Administrator

We are grateful for the support all of our Sponsors provide to us.  Below is a list of current Sponsors

  • The Alton Society
  • The Arts Society Alton
  • The Rotary Club of Alton
  • The Alton Lions
  • Craven Brothers
  • Mr and Mrs P Andreae
  • Sir James Scott
  • Mrs Merula Frankel 
  • Mr Peter and Mrs Lissa Wilson
  • Mr. George Heller
  • Portsmouth University
  • Headley Financial Services
  • Mr. Niven Baird
  • Mr. Fraser Wilson
  • Mr Mike Gray
  • Alton College Foundation Alumni
  • Alton Building Preservation Trust 
  • Mr Christopher Veal

Alton College Foundation Scholarships for Excellence Terms and Conditions –Effective 1 September 2023

1. Background.

In 1999 three Governors established The Alton College Foundation (The Foundation) as an independent registered charity. Since then almost £700,000 has been raised from local businesses, organisations and individual donors all with an interest in raising the standards in all fields of education. The funds have been used to improve HSDC Alton (the College) and help both students and staff. Since 2002 the Foundation’s Scholarship for Excellence Scheme, the sole objective of which is to reward and encourage effort and excellence amongst students, has awarded 420 students who have subsequently achieved great things both in education and in their careers.  

2. Scholarship Subjects

The number of Scholarships awarded and subjects covered varies from year to year.  The current list is available under the "Scholarships - FAQ and how to apply" section of this website. 

The monetary reward associated with each scholarship is determined by the Foundation’s Sponsors and is paid annually to students whilst at the College. More information will be provided on application.

3. The Foundation’s Supporters

Alton College (HSDC) and The Alton College Foundation are extremely grateful to all those individuals and organisations that continue to support and fund this scheme. However, unlike other 6th form Scholarship schemes, the Foundation’s approach does do not use College funds. The Foundation welcomes enquiries from others wishing to add their names to the already impressive list of supporters below:

•Mr and Mrs P Andreae

•Ellis Campbell Charitable Foundation

•Rotary Club of Alton

•Alton Lions Club(CIO)

•The Art Society Alton

•Sir James Scott

•Headley Financial Services

•Portsmouth University

•Mrs Merula Frankel

•Mr Peter and Mrs Lissa Wilson

•The Alton Society in memory of Nicky Branch

•Mr Mike Gray in memory of Peter Dilloway 

•Mr Fraser Wilson

•Mr Niven Baird

•Mr George Heller

•Scholarship Alumni

•Alton Building Preservation Trust 

•Mr Christopher Veal

4. Student Eligibility

4.1 Applicants must be 18 years or younger, studying at the College and in their first year of studies. The exception to this is students on the one-year Arts Foundation Course applying for a Scholarship from The Alton Art Society who may apply up until they are 19 years old.

4.2 Students should be undertaking one of the courses listed next to the scholarship subject as shown in the "Scholarships - FAQ and how to apply" section of this website. The scholarship is only awarded to students in the first year of a two-year course (the exception being the Arts Foundation Course).

4.3 Only students who have already commenced full-time studies at the College will be considered for shortlisting and selection. However, students may apply before they start their studies at the College, if their predicted grades are 7-9 in most of their GCSE subjects. If applicants do apply before starting to study at the College, additional information will be requested after commencing full-time studies at College, e.g. actual GCSE results, feedback from College tutors.

4.4 Students should have achieved Grade 7-9 in most of your GCSE subjects, or be exceptionally talented at sport, music or be a talented artist. In addition: (a) if applying for Mathematics you must have achieved a Grade  8-9 in GCSE Mathematics and be studying Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A level; and  (b) if applying for Modern Foreign Languages students must have achieved a Grade 7-9 in a language at GCSE (preferably two) and be studying at least one language at A level.

4.5 Students should be working to Grade A –A* standard in your chosen A level subjects or D-D* in BTEC subjects.

4.6. Students can only be awarded one Scholarship although they may be allowed to apply for multiple Scholarships at the discretion of the Foundation.

5.How to apply

Applicants must express their interest in applying for a scholarship by completing the short online form available on this website. Once received by the Foundation's administrator, the student will be sent a fuller Application Form for completing by email as well as a guidance sheet for help in completing their application. This will be sent to the student's College email address. 

Applicants are then required to complete the fuller Application Form and return it by email to sarah.womersley@hsdc.ac.uk by 15 November 2024. 

Please note that before submitting their Application Form students should discuss their completed form with either their tutor or a member of teaching staff in the relevant department to the scholarship subject and have it checked by them. All Application Forms should be completed electronically in Microsoft Word and should be spelling and grammar checked and should meet the ‘minimum word count’ requirements set out in the Application Form. 

If students would like support with their Application Form they should speak to a member of College staff or contact Sarah Womersley who is the administrator for the Alton College Foundation and who will be happy to provide guidance. Students will be informed before the Christmas holidays as to whether they have been shortlisted to the next stage of the application process or not. If successful they will then be advised of any further information or submissions which may be needed from them.

6.Closing Date/ Selection Process

6.1 All applications and references must be received by the 15th November. The Directors of the Foundation may, at their discretion, extend the application process in any year beyond this date.

6.2 Shortlisting for interviews will take place in December and if successful, you will be invited for interview in January (exact dates will vary each year). The interview panel will include College staff, Sponsors and Alton College Foundation Directors.

6.3 Decisions on the award of Scholarships are at the discretion of the interview panel and the Alton College Foundation and are final. Feedback will be given if requested.

7.Scholarship Payments

Payment to successful applicants will be made in two tranches. The first being made when they are confirmed as a Scholar (usually in March of their first year of studies) and the second, subject to meeting certain commitments (see below), in the May of the second year of studies once the student has submitted a Progress Report to the Foundation Administrator.  

Note: in the case of Arts Foundation Scholars they will just receive one payment on award.

8.The Scholar's Commitment

8.1 Successful applicants will be required to attend the awards ceremony to receive the Scholarship certificate. This will take place in March.

8.2 Scholars are encouraged to contact and meet with their Sponsors whilst at the College.  This is not only valued by our Sponsors but is also often beneficial to the Scholar. Such meetings and contacts should always meet the safeguarding rules stipulated by the College and must be arranged via the Alton College Foundation Administrator.

8.3 All Scholars must submit an annual report (250-400 words) detailing progress and achievements and how the scholarship money has been used or is intended to be used.

8.4 Scholars must demonstrate commitment throughout their time at the College. The definition of what constitutes commitment will be determined by the Alton College Foundation but will primarily relate to:

 a) Interim results and reports from the College; in particular that the Scholar is achieving the expected academic performance and exhibits the behaviour expected of a Scholar. 

b) That the Scholar is continuing to study the subject that relates to the Scholarship e.g. an English Scholar continues to work towards an A level in English. 

c) In some instances, the Sponsor may attach specific requirements to their Scholarship. Scholars will be notified of these in advance and must accept those requirements prior to receiving their award.

8.5 If it is felt that the Scholar is not be sufficiently committed or leaves the College then any outstanding payments will be forfeited.

8.6 All communications between the Scholar and Alton College Foundation must be made through the Alton College Foundation Administrator. Contact: Sarah Womersley, Foundation Administrator, Alton College Foundation, Old Odiham Road, Alton, Hants, GU34 2LY. Telephone: 01420 592208. 

Email: sarah.womersley@hsdc.ac.uk

Disclaimer: The Alton College Foundation reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions without notice.

A copy of these Terms and Conditions will be posted on our website www.altoncollegefoundation.org.uk

Date: updated September 2024

Alton College Foundation, is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Notice explains in detail the types of personal data we may collect about you as Scholarship Applicant, Sponsor, former or current Scholar, Development Fund Applicant or Development Fund Recipient. It also explains how we’ll store and handle that data, and keep it safe. We know that there’s a lot of information here, but we want you to be fully informed about your rights, and how the Alton College Foundation uses your data.We hope the following sections will answer any questions you have but if not, please do get in touch with 

This statement applies to data held about our Scholarship Applicants, Sponsors, former and current Scholars, Development Fund Applicants and Development Fund recipients. For the purpose of this document, the following terms are defined 

Sponsor/ Potential Sponsor:  Anyone who has or may made or make a one-off or regular donation to the Alton College Foundation 

Scholars: Anyone who has been appointed as a Alton College Foundation Scholar under the Scholarship for Excellence 

Student Support Fund Recipients: Anyone who has received support from the Alton College Foundation Student Support Fund 

Scholarship Applicants: Any Alton College student who has applied under the Scholarship for Excellence Scheme

Student Support Fund Applicants: Any Alton College Student or member of staff who has applied for a grant under the Alton College Foundation Student Support Fund Scheme.

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please email michelle.george@alton.hsdc.ac.uk or write to us at Alton College Foundation, Old Odiham Road, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 2LY.

Explaining the legal bases we rely on: The law on data protection sets out a number of different reasons for which we may collect and process your personal data, including:

Consent  In most situations, we will collect and process your data with your consent.  For example, when dealing with an application for a student support fund grant or as part of the scholarship process.  When collecting your personal data, we always make clear to you which data is necessary in connection with the particular purpose.

Legitimate interest In specific situations, we require your data to pursue our legitimate interests in a way which might reasonably be expected as part of running our charity and which does not materially impact your rights, freedom or interests.  For example, we may use records to invite you by post to attend our scholarship ceremony or invite you to consider becoming a sponsor of the charity.

Necessary for a contract: In some situations we may offer the sale of products or services to support the fundraising activities of the Charity.  For example, we may sell tickets to an event for the purposes of fundraising.  Therefore, we would need to communicate with you directly by email about the date or the arrangements made for the event or it may even be about other similar events in the future.

What information do we gather and how do we use your information?

Sponsors/ Potential Sponsors:  The personal information we collect includes name, contact details (including email address), and other information where available publicly. We record details of your financial donations on your record.

Scholars: The personal information we collect includes name, contact details (including email address and other information where available publicly. We record your name, scholarship subject and year of scholarship for historical purposes on our website and paper records.

Scholarship and Student Support Fund:  The personal information we collect includes name, contact details (including email address) previous exam results, current academic performance, previous school and other information where available publicly.

Student Support Fund Grant recipients:  The personal information we collect includes name, contact details (including email address and other information where available publicly. The amount of the development fund grant is detailed on your record.

We will use your personal information:

  • For administration 
  • To update you on latest news from the Alton College Foundation and forthcoming events;
  • To further our charitable aims, including for fundraising activities, including marketing purposes

As part of this, we may create a summary of your relationship with the Alton College Foundation and your interests and preferences so that we can contact you in the most appropriate way and with the most relevant information and we can avoid contacting you about opportunities which are not relevant to your interests. By creating this profile, we are able to work more effectively with our Sponsors and Scholars to support the work of the Foundation.

We may need to share your information with HSDC Alton, for the purposes described above to support the objectives of the Charity. Further details about data sharing are given below.

How do we collect information?

Sponsors/Potential Sponsors - We obtain personal information from the individuals when they make donation through our donation forms.

Scholars and Scholarship Applicants - We obtain personal information from the Scholarship Application forms. Student’s exam results, contact details and other relevant information are copied from the HSDC Alton Database and used to create a record for you on the appropriate Scholarship Applications database.

Student Support Fund Applicants  - We obtain personal information from the Applicants when the enquire about submitting a Student Support Fund application.

Additionally, we may also receive information about you from other sources for example from a friend who wants us to tell you about the activities we carry, from searching on the internet or occasionally from our service providers.

How do we protect your information?

Your personal information is stored in a secure database. We take appropriate measures to ensure that the personal information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up to date and kept only for so long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is used and is thereafter securely destroyed or permanently deleted.  Alton College Foundation does not retain bank information and does not process credit cards.

All information we handle is done so in accordance with data protection legislation. If your personal details change, please help us to keep your information up to date by notifying us.

You can update your details online by emailing michelle.george@alton.hsdc.ac.uk

Right of Access: You have the right to request a copy of all the information we hold about you. If you wish to exercise this right, please email sarah.womersley@hsdc.ac.uk or write to Sarah Womersley at Alton College Foundation, Alton College, Old Odiham Road, Alton, GU34 2LY.

The request should include a name, an address for correspondence and the address the information should be sent to (if different) as well as a description of the information requested. We may communicate with you by phone, email or post in order to achieve our work in the most cost-effective way. You have a choice about whether you want to receive news and information about the Alton College Foundation, and by which method. We will not contact you if you have indicated that you do not wish to be contacted.

You can change your preferences at any time by emailing: michelle.george@alton.hsdc.ac.uk or writing to Michelle George at Alton College Foundation, Alton College, Old Odiham Road, Alton, GU34 2LY.

Your Consent

By providing us with your personal data, you give approval to the collection and use of this information in accordance with the purposes described above and this privacy statement.  If you request that your details are removed from our database, we will remove all personal data, with the following exceptions:a note of the request to remove your data will be retained, to prevent you from being inadvertently contacted in the future;

information needed to comply with statutory requirements (such as in relation to Gift Aid) may be retained, but only for so long as those statutory requirements specify; and

an anonymous reference may be attributed to you in documentation compiled from the record of your event attendances and/or the record of donations that you have given, for the purposes of internal or external recording or accounting for any event attended, and for any donation required to be retained for audit, reporting or accounting purposes.

Will we pass on information to third parties?

We never sell any of your personal information. We may pass your information to HSDC Alton College for administration purposes in relation to the Scholarship Scheme and Student Support Fund grants. We always make sure that appropriate controls are in place and the will never use your data for any other purpose and information will be destroyed or permanently deleted once the project has been completed.  We may publish your current name and photograph in our Scholarship Award Event programme and our website.

We may need to disclose your information if required by law (for example to government bodies and law enforcement agencies) or if we have your permission to do so.

This form should be used for applying for Student Support Fund grants.  Please make certain that you provide all the information requested and that you provide as much information as you can as this will help us evaluate your request.  Please be aware that with limited funds available the Alton College Foundation may not be able to support your application.  If that happens we will let you know as quickly as possible.

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